Consistency, Focus, and Discipline are my watch words because they are also my huge areas of weakness. I always tell myself I’m a random person that doesn’t enjoy routines which in turn leads to not mastering a particular skill or role. I’ve got a wandering and imaginative mind that keeps me from focusing. And you see discipline, I’ve always had other people do that for me when I was younger.
These three are interwoven for me cos if I'm disciplined, I will be focused on what's important and eventually get it done every time, which is consistency, I will get better at it.
My main focus today is on Consistency. The trait of not self-contradicting oneself. Which could have several other meanings to different people but to me, consistency is starting something and making sure I continue to do it.
Over the years I have become a fast learner just by watching. I've had my hands on a number of things in the past but I never got better at them because I wasn't consistent with them.
And if you follow my latest updates, you would realise that I missed a day and believe you me, I've got an excellent reason/excuse for that.
However, I've come to realize that lack of consistency makes one lack credibility. It makes one lose value.
Today you are blue. Tomorrow you are purple. Next you are indigo. All these make one question your authenticity.
And there are different ways consistency can play out in every aspect of our lives.
In our relationships, our spiritual lives, our career, our health, etc.
I remember starting an exercise routine sometime during the lockdown, however, I wasn't consistent in keeping up and as such I began to relax one day after the other and eventually I stopped. Well, the fats are settling in well now.
There was also a time that I tried to keep communication with someone who I had lost touch with but because I wasn't consistent in following up, things returned the way they used to.
And the list goes on and on. The things we started but never continued even when we know it's important to us.
I also remember starting several things in my previous place of work which were usually commended but most times I was never consistent with executions, it was like an off and on switch. Plus it didn't get me into the good book of my boss either.
Lovelies, lack of consistency is bad and two reasons why this continues to happen are lack of proper planning and excuses/laziness.
Many of us young people are so blessed with great ideas that we dish them out per second but we don't get to see to it that we do them. We start businesses and we are not consistent with our opening hours or contact numbers or delivery time or even our products/services. That's why there seems to be a lot of things going wrong at the moment.
Just imagine if you are put on medication and you are to take them within a specific time, let's say a pill per day but you skip like two days every one week, what do you think would happen to your system?
I've had similar experiences before and I suffered greatly for it.
That's what happens to our lives when we are not consistent with the great decisions we make about the important aspects of our lives. It fails. It suffers.
And you should also note that consistency doesn't end when you get your desired results, it continues so you can maintain your desired results.
I really wish to get better at this writing thing which is why I am putting myself out there but I won't get better at it if I start to skip days.
I hope you get the drift?